Saturday, April 21, 2012


My plants are growing...kind of. My baby artichoke looks a little like Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors. I'm still very excited about it! I was talking to one of my fellow FCG peeps today and he told me that it's best for tomatoes if you pinch off the first flowers that grow. It strengthens the roots and makes the plant grow better therefore, produce more tomatoes! He also said that if you pick off the first tomato, pick out the seeds and let them ferment in a glass jar you can dry those seeds and they will be ready for next year. Ohhh so much learning at the FCG! I thought I knew a fair bit about plants, I don't. These people are as crazy about plants as I am. Where else can you cheer about artichokes with friends!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Freaking Genius!!

The best way to label your garden rows...a plastic knife and a sharpie! That's freaking genius! It's inexpensive and lasts. I have tired ALL of the different stakes, glass, metal, wood and they did not work for me. I'm going to say is again, genius! Thanks for all the new ideas FCG!

FCG Planted!

I have planted!!! Here is the list: artichokes, squash, potatoes, beets, chives, tomato, corn, blueberry, thyme and rosemary. It was a lot of work but soooo fun! That artichoke his spines down by the base so when you plant one, look out! How do you know when all of these veggies are ready to pick? I will learn with you and post the answers as each veggie is ready to harvest!