My apologies loyal followers! I have been neglecting you horribly...and the back patio. My brain did indeed explode. Now it is a matter of putting it back together and blogging! I had a lovely mini-break in San Diego with my good friends Mont and Jessica and snake boy (aka Gabe). Mont reminded me that I do have followers and I need to keep up with the entertainment demand! So I beg for forgiveness from you all and pledge to blog.
Here in Hollywood, we got some good rain that did my job for me, watering the lovely plants. I lost a couple and laid them to rest this afternoon in the recycle bin. However, the avocado baby is resting comfortably after it's replanting, pruning and a healthy sprinkle of snail repellent. Hopefully it makes a complete recovery. It has to since it's momma avocado as yet to yield us any fruit. Did you know that it takes approximately 7 years for an avocado to become fully mature and develop fruit. I didn't either, so imagine my surprise when it flowered and then they all died! Thanks OSH for letting me know, appreciate you making me feel like a bad gardener!!
Pix to come soon!